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doctorpepper 'i could get off the lost island in 24 hours' 2017/07/08 18:55:06

fluids 'Yeah no.' 2017/11/04 23:04:32

TOOTHPICKHICK 2019/08/21 14:37:25

moongod 'ya ya blarg..knows all sees all....HEY! You in the corner stop playing with yourself.OSC' 2019/11/20 05:03:16
*waters the plants*

Boneless '19/Chick , No Doubt , Sublime , Concrete & Powder , Boards !' 2020/02/01 21:30:28
Oh my I'm old now but came here when I was a teenager Carazay

Oldfashionedgirl 2021/10/29 22:36:43
Well I’ll be damned!

link closeshave 'Amongst the Thugs' 2021/12/26 17:00:23
Haven’t logged in here in at least 10 years. Still works lol

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 09:23:53
Hmmmm... So, ... when introduced to the Royal Family at church, .. . what is it that both Prince William and I were each struck in the heads with golf clubs shortly after? Then, a bunch of shit preaching about how the upcoming Antichrist would survive a mortal head wound, and he'd need to be stopped at all costs by mankind? Why is it that today I'd know that i Am the Antichrist of Antichrists and William is the Anti-Christ GOD? Why is it that all those Christians would be meddling within my life? Don't all of them understand that they're following is false and that they'd be the reason so many die? My being here is supposed to be a good thing, yet they meddle based on false beliefs. They aid the enemies who set me up with disease through walking me into situation because they wholeheartedly believe I'd need to be stopped. Their teachers from their very own preachers set them up for this folly. The Bible led them astray - the catholics are in bigger trouble than I'll ever be. They published a teaching about 1 feared man, but its a mash up of several figures. My dad, my baby dick sucking fag, is Satan The Anti-Christ swine. William is the Anti-Christ GOD, and i Am awe stricken, the son of satan and man of sin. All the details of who the feared one is are all mashedup - meaning the catholics never distinguiahed the differences between the fact that theres mire than on Antichrist and more than one Anti-Christ. We're all mashed together as one in a completely dysfunctional array of false teaching. i Am not all the things they've foretold of through their book of lies - everyone's been setup. i Am the Lord God Most High, not some fucking piece of shit. Y'all are looking for my dad. He sucked my infantile baby dick.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 09:38:40
Satan can't prophesize. Therefore i Am not Satan. Several times now i've prophesized. The stark reality of my words come true cast morbid silence over my friends face, and a dream come true turned my wife's face gray. I'm not who the Christians think i Am and they've had me pay my dad's debt of evil doing, by having meddled within my life to no end. I AM NOT WHO EVERYONE THOUGHT - their info is in a mashup.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 17:51:40
The Anti-Christ GOD is NOT a good person AT ALL!

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 19:04:28
Why would he need to get handy with the women when Kate is is wife? He must be so "deprived". What a disrespectful shenanigan. Why was he gyrating his body against a woman other than his wife? He's worse a person than I'll ever be - even in the privacy of other women's homes I wouldn't do so much as make any bodily contact with a hug - oh boy, have I been TEMPTED. Where is Prince William's loyalty? - what a brut force thuggish pig! He is NOT a good person, but i guess everyone shall suppose that he's "GOT FIVE ON IT - MESS'N WITH THAT INDO WEED".

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 19:06:50
Everyone got him up to have 5 on it,... . .(?), WHATTA PLUNK!

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 19:10:35
How could he do that to his children? He should hang out with my wife. Two pigs can tend to their own scores being scandalous as FUCKED

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 19:27:26 (Whispered to closeshave,)

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 19:29:25
My dad is not "my" baby dick sucking fag - that is a typo. Autocorrect and autofill is a smartphone keyboard curse. Why can't we simply have our own typos like back in the day?

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 19:35:02

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 19:44:01
Prince William is a fucking DICK. My wife is a fucking ASS, and I'm too magickal for all their shit. WHY IS IT THAT THE SVELTE beauties are left to fend for themselves while the their significant others are clown shoed to dance around like they haven't anything better to do, something better to do such as TEND TO what is THEIR CHILDREN'S LIFE STORIES?

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 19:45:14
I'm sick of being treated like shit by all the fucking pieces of SHIT

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 20:00:19
My wife is most definitely married to everyone, but me. Prince William is apparently married to every woman, but Kate. Set 'em up for a date - my wife needs to babysit for the entire Royal Family of the Crown - to make sure that she never ever again casts dysfunction around like a clownshoed hound. Whatta BITCH. William needs to go interview his family's new babysitter in the subtropical southern part of the USA. I'm pissed - that witch needs a service commitment for LIFE. She's lucky she's a ferocious healer of sorts, best suites for child care, otherwise I'd never suggest such a thing. She has, but only one last chance.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 20:01:16
Best *suited for child care

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 20:02:29
This more than a suggestion, its a mandatory requirement of MIND

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 20:21:58
*The Antichrist Swine = my dad; The Catholic's QUEEF.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 20:33:05
So sick of the world. I highly despise religious fanaticism. People need to get up of their asses and out of my father's houses, and use the two hands that God gave them. to do His work. Where else would God have a hand, but at each of everyone's sides to do for themselves what they pray of Him? Bunch of do-gooding lazy bums with their hands out. I'm all disabled, can barely walk around, and everuone wants to tear me down for what I'm still able to accomplish on my own time? - wretched fucking cohorts in slime! I'm not lifting a finger for anything, but to tend to what's mine. Someone needs something fixed? - don't look at this disabled guy.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 21:20:18
After my wife's completely relentless 2 year streak of dysfunction, I'll still blow her kisses and be kind for our children but after this behavior, she's gonna have to right her wrong of ALWAYS putting innocent children in the middle.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 21:20:28

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/03 06:58:08
So.... I inherited the body that im in, and what ive foubd here is that ive been prophesied to. It has been brought to my attention that the net worth of content within this body is priceless. At that, gang bangers tried to blow me away with a sawed off shotgun, and freaked out, and ran away with a league of children who saw the whole thing. Had you ever wished upon a star that Jesus would return, you're just gonna have to settle for ME, because if the Angel of Life has to put His scary jeasus the boogyman bodysuit back on, then everyone will be in a different world of hurt. Do good, and use your own damn hands to manifest your desires.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/05 08:30:14
Everyone's gotten a flatline here, and when I awoke in the hospital, I was not the same man. Everything that I've gotten through since then, as far as what other people do around me, has been a slow awakening to the most caustic behaviors of everyone and what they've been doing to me. Y'all can't haunt a shadow cast from Heaven - I'm already preoccupied.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/05 09:04:11
OWIE WOWIE - your hitmen haven't been able to rush my death. I've eaten the poisons to the point that I don't even know what's poisoned anymore. Your street gang killers have been swindled. Your assassins have been deceived. The whole while, I've been honest with your police. Now I need a hand. No one needs to tear me down. i Am the Mahdi, and I'm still waking to a prophecy that I was told before I awoke in a hospital. Whatever sins that I'm being punished for by mankind, I'm absolved of in God's eyes.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/05 09:24:48
Y'all have infuriated me, so count your blessings. You've given me quite the bit to live down - no one else would even dare. //////// did you see me fend that blonde haired woman off at my front gate? - later, she tried to tempt me with physical contact - any normal man of your world would have slipped "it" to her. She's that kind of HOTTIE. Who would refuse her, but me? - I'm happily married to my Unicorn. <3 my GAWWWWD,,, my Unicorn is SOMETHING else not of mankind's world. I'm more than content, I've absolutely fallen apart over her, but she's done with me.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/08 07:38:12
Until my wife fully exhibits to be other than done with me, I'm dumped. She may not continue with the same attitude and demeanor that she sprung on me, and then expect that I'll stand by her side, imposing that such a thing for her to do is "okay" in the presence of our children. Children do not need to be exposed to the dysfunction of a growned-ass adult - otherwise known as an adulterer of their surrounding existence. People on this planet's behavior is comparable to piles of cow dung. Stop heaping others with your shit. I don't care if if pinned someone by their throat to a wall, it doesn't mean that I'm circling everyone to have them pinned, so everyone shouldn't be surprised if it happens to them. Leave the children out of any and all of your personal problems with someone else. i Am TIRED of everyone's SHIT.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/09 15:56:18

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/11 18:17:28
My life is totally wrecked. I cannot go to the judge presiding over the dui i must take care of without money to show for DUI school. I don't have money because social security is withholding the benefits I'm entitled to collect as a disabled American citizen. Society is so abusive. I have children that require assistance, yet everyone's withholding their benefits too. What the fuck?

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/11 18:28:45
I'm being hammered by a flood like deja vu, am falling down at times, recollecting, and am coming to from the amnesia of being struck by prophecy. The shock and awe when waking in my lions den has been enough to cripple all of my thoughts, yet everyone wants to stress me as I haven't and aren't stressed enough. The world on planet earth is currently GARBAGE

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/11 18:41:45
I'll have American/Staffordshire pit bull mixed (American Staffordshire Terrier) puppies ready for Valentine's Day - thehre homemade, so at least I have that to look forward to.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/11 18:44:17
*they're homemade American Staffordshire Terriers, and they're lonely is big breed. Their sire is 110- lbs, and their bitch is a cricket type gazelle in flight

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/11 18:44:53
Not lonely, *line

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/11 21:26:03
I am tripped out because alcohol influences some people to transform into completely dysfunctional lower forms of life, and those type of people cannot be trusted with responsibilities - they should have money, and should only have everything they need provided to them. Society needs such a freedom from enterprising evil - the abuse of free will and rights. To end such problems the people must begin to police each other as they'd police themselves. We are at liberty to defend our freedom from corruption of being ruled by money - can't trust where its going per the individual vested. How am I supposed to provide for my family since having money is such a high risk. I find myself to be fucked. I didn't and don't approve of everyone's fucking attitude towards me for what they've seen. I didn't do any of that. Where was I in all of that ? - TRIPPING! I WAS STRAIGHT UP TRIPPING. NO ONE FUCK'N <<<HEARD>>> '!!'ME'!!' You people oughtta be fucking ashamed of yourselves. FUCK THE WHOLE LOT OF YOU. You need to make amends where amends are made due.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/11 22:15:12
They *shouldn't have money. The normal everyday responsibilities are be being net as best they can, but the moment someone who shouldn't have money for alcohol arise, and they buy alcohol, they're being granted the liberty with right to abuse their own freedom through enslaving the freedom of others by means of suppression. You people are fucked up - i Am not your enemy, though I may oppose you.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/11 22:29:23
I'm gonna go get a 30-pack, and have a long drink. i Am the deepest shade of blue. Don't ever send your police here again on a fake order to find a child molester who could never have lived here for more than 10years. When I was making an entry into my online journal about there being the spirit of a man in this house with a gun held to my head, of whom we later found out about him and how he blew his brains out, how long has he lived here? Stop harassing me you fucking pieces of shit.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/11 22:44:41
Maybe I'm not gonna get a 30-pack, and I'll just stick my head in the sand instead. I don't know. You people and yours ways around have proven to be hideous. When all the pieces came tumbling down, everything fell into place - now you're all stuck when you need to rise up and throw your government in jail. Explosives in building 7 detonated because national security was compromised only because firefighters would need to access the building - I speak from knowledge based experience from having worked in the field of fire suppression on a campus of our nations leading aerospace and defense contractor.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/11 22:51:03
The fire fighters in new york did not have national security clearance, so buildings came down with everyone in them.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/11 23:32:13
Everyone has needs that must be met - too bad none of you pussies out there are as cut throat as those responsible for flying planes into buildings should have been about focusing their ambitions to do good by publicly killing pedophiles.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/12 00:55:45
Thanks for the free FUCKS.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/12 19:31:36
Geeeeeeeze. My sister just came in and asked to the puppies. I told her she can see them with her eyeballs - we're not handling them - that they're going into the hands of their owners if anything. She was quick to argue that, saying that they need to be socialized. I repeated what I said - she asked "why"? *face palm* I responded with, "I just told you - you can see them with your eye balls and nothing more". She scoffed and said that she doesn't want to see them. Treated me like blshit all the way out the door. As if she knows better and has a right to be offended. I'm all like - EAT A DICK, BITCH. Fuuuuuck. Theyre just 4 weeks old. Can't be handled by just anyone coming through the door. Even all the puppies I've ever picked had to be left alone til their first shots were completed or they were swooped to get them. Plus my sister has had shingles lately. Its like, what the fuck? Okay, PIECE OF SHIT ME THEN. She doesn't understand that I don't even kick it with them and get all touchy feely.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/12 19:36:39
"I" only host a litter every 10 years, although there's been more than one litter. My bitches have been spayed, and I haven't run a puppy mill. I'm so tired of everyone, and all their shit on me - cuz all they do is shit on me the minute they don't get what they want. They're spoiled fucking rotten.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/12 19:41:41
Shingles in a house full of chicken pox - yeah,.. . how about "NO"

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/12 19:46:27
I had to begin weening already too. They get softened and mushed kibble + dog milk replacer - a puppy gruel. Had to begin weening because they are getting big - you know they're still after that tit as well.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/12 20:15:04
People trip me out. Why argue my answer being, in all actually a "double", no. Double no. Double-no. What's the appropriate way to write that? I'm not "properly" educated - I'm a gentleman and a scholar. That's all.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/12 20:30:40
*actuality. Anyway. The landlord of the house my parents are in want them to move out. I can't even deal with that - they and myself will need a huge hand - being that we are disabled and unable. Y'all want too damned much. I've slaved away on your shit for way too long. I've been the only one moving others at times, every time I've helped someone move - WHICH HAS BEEN EXCESSIVE to now. You people's world is a fucking hoax. Everyone on the planet was birthday here free of charges and are entitled to such a life, but the world you host hijacks every single human life until that capitalistic shit. I already journaled my way through sprained brains and shorted out with multiple sclerosis. I've soaked away to no end only to be reduced to something like nothing. You people are fucked up, and everyone needs to STOP right there and now. We have to rebuild the jalopy of a society that's designed around automobile ownership. Y'all are steadily pissing me off. ALL OF YOU need to stop each other. Our forefathers built the future upon a lousy way of doing things - everything's designed around the beasts of pollution.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/12 20:39:58
Man-Kind can always bring end to a life but cannot kill The Spirit of Christ. Time is always present and fulfills God's open space ~ in Truth - the cutting edge within Our surrounding's place. The Truth is always on the forefront in maintenance of life kept young and does not cease to linger on the end point of pastime fun. Man-Kind does not know Time outside the measure of their own distance, that they sacrifice this life to a clock in a rush through Our Existence. The essence of Our Being is ageless in this sense, that Time has no point of origin and there is no end in sight but is however attributed to be The Wise Old One as The Kid within The Light. Time does not pass, only moments come and go, and as Time is forever present, sown is The Holy Ghost.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/12 20:42:32
Physics + faiths and beliefs + science of existence + arhythmetic + nursery rhyme

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/13 19:16:13
black magickal

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/13 19:25:07
Society has a tendency to practice such a dark craft through giving into the temptation of looking forward to others misfortune that i Am now here. This body as a lamp was rubbed the wrong way, and what's now is you've conjured the need for backlash from The Life. Lo, i Am struck by the light of "your" day. You people have made me sick - Blood drunk!

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/13 19:57:32
"No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light”, dark or bright. - you have summoned me to be within your circle, and i Am not blind to misdeed because there's nowhere for you to hide your lights. You can't play me for a fool. All of you have been fake as fuckedNo man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light", dark or bright. You are the lampstands, and you cannot play me for a fool. I know everything I see you do. Everyone's been fake as fuck to have me faked and fucked.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/13 20:09:14
Everyone to a certain extent has faked and fucked themselves to my face? - everyone knows who i Am within one facet of life in this town - I'm caught in social crossfire. This town is rigged against me + gangland is pissed + Christian churches been meddling ever since I survived the mortal head wound + different defamations of character + the .PDF file my wife is spreading in a smear behind my back. Its just so easy to scapegoat me for all your SHIT, isn't it?

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/14 08:43:07
I big round of smear the queer EVERYWHERE. Why'd my wife tell everyone that I'm a professional skateboarder? I explained to everything to her, and later she comes back saying I'm a liar. She heard what she wanted, and then used what "she heard" to trouble me with all her nonsense. I can't even be honest with my lover. Am i gonna have to grab that bull of a shame by the horns, and wreck everyones game of twisting truth to present others with false facts that could only be completely fake? I'm over it. Don't take what I say and turn it into something its not. I told her that I am not a signature professional skateboarder, and that just before this disease knocked me off my feet, I was skating professionally. She's embarrassed herself, and yet again is another who scapegoats me for their own idiocracy. "People" are bullshit without a human bone between the whole lot of em

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/14 08:50:52
I skate by myself, and last time I had my coordination restored from this shitty bout of multiple sclerosis, I WENT THE FUCK OFF - I was raising HELL. the cops let me skate where prohibited at 1am because they could see and HEAR the fury of what was up - I wasn't fucking around and I wasn't there to practice. SHIT WAS GOING DOWN and they didn't do much as interrupt what they liked to see

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/14 09:16:03
What is the purpose for everyone's large scale smear? Some of the shit I've heard sounds extremely devout of denominational belief that to each their own proclaims and professes NOT to be that of the church. Okay - why is the church's belief in who their Antichrist is being leveed against me by "nonbelievers"? You people make me sick - you denounce the church and then pit Biblical theory and rumor against me. You people need to stop acting like a fucking heap of garbage.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/14 09:28:05
I have never raped any woman, and through what has came to light I'm gonna have to endow women in the system with the hiv they allowed be spread through me as if they had that right. i will rape those women if need be, just to give em what they've given to others through their corruption - an eye for an eye, even if by rape.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/14 09:32:03
"I" must be stopped? - well what in ever the hell gives anyone that idea? Those women in the system who made the mistake of presiding over all women's health because they thought that I would be killed must reap in what they've sown.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/14 09:48:47
Those type of people cannot be trusted with responsibilities - they should *NOT have money, and should only have everything they need provided to them. Society needs such a freedom from enterprising evil

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/14 11:35:32
I MUST BE STOPPED? - per what, some preacher's message stemming from faulty interpretation of The Word? i Am the Spirit of Truth - stop, meeeeeeee?

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/14 11:35:59
Contain yourselves.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/14 12:08:33
This is my turf, motherfuckers!

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/16 20:07:31
Why can't my kids log into my Instacart account and use it from where they are? Login info is incorrect?

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/28 16:46:37
I never imagined a sweeter love for anyone could exist than the love between my wife and me - awash. Its gone. She doesn't understand that when true colors are shown during a time when everyone need be exposed, she took their side, but robbed and swindled our children of all our time

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/28 19:06:09
She spoiled me rotten - she took the spoilings and made me a problem.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/28 19:08:24
A sin upon sin. That nothing stopped her from raping, pillaging, and swindling our kids.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/29 02:35:22
My right wrist hurt for a couple days. I don't know how I could've slept on my hand to put a crick in my wrist, but something happened. Not sure. Maybe prayers were answered. I duntknow ;)

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/02/06 01:45:59
My wife's word is god damned garbage, and cannot be taken for face value. She is the most DISHONEST, fucking piece of GOD DAMNED WORK, that ever cursed anyone with her belligerence. I cannot deal with her. She invents new facts for herself and her flying monkeys to believe, that would NEVER sit well with anyone else who was present. She's a fucking PSYCHOPATH

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/02/13 18:15:11
I don't know what to say anymore, to the point of going completely mute. There is no discussion, let alone any argument, with the evil.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/03/04 21:43:00
Never again will I ever look at another person with faith in humanity, no matter what good they think they've done. In this day in age, they're all pieces of shit - every one - they're candy coated garbage. Have fun with the nukes. I'm done. Fuck everyone and all their religions and all their shit, all their accentuations, and all their scripts - fucking drama fags

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/03/08 00:00:41
Change my mind! You couldn't prove yourselves wrong from how and where you stand! I won't hold anyone to anything, and no one owes me anything, but everyone needs to change my mind, so, please do '!!'

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/03/10 06:12:41
I find myself in your great deception that is filled with your immoral superiority, unruly cause, and systemic dismantling, so, yes, change my mind - so that you're not pieces of shit! GOD IS GOOD! GOD IS GREAT! Thank each of you, SO MUCH for bringing me here '!!' Now, what are you gonna do to vanquish a shadow cast from Heaven? - I think I feel, at this moment, better about being grateful, rather than upset, to be here. Love always finds a way, and I want to love you, but you're gonna have to pay your debts. How much of other's happiness was worth stripping from their human being just to try to kill me?

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/03/10 12:09:46
ONCE AGAIN - why am i living through a nightmare come true bombarded by a heavy flood like deja vu that includes all of you? - the prophesized narrative i heard in correlation with the visions I'd been given during the prophet are what everybody proves to be true amid revealing themselves to be FAKE. YOU PEOPLE ARE FAKE AS FUCKED toward me, anyway. I'm the one all of you open a storefront on - Y'ALL ARE FRONTING ON ME.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/04 21:19:02
Child abusing assed pieces of shit!

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/15 04:20:34
Where is everyone from skatetalk anymore? - hitting that social media with their real and true identities? What about the mystique of having no idea who your talking with? I've met way more people through skatetalk than through facebook! This place was pop'n. Getting blow jobs from the preacher's daughter on a hilltop above the church type of "pop'n". Where's all the crazies today? Facebooking? Skatetalk is a root, and it appears that the majority forgot their social media roots.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/15 20:24:31
He's done SO much for the scene, couldn't even skate a curb, raped and murdered his girlfriend, and is now up for parole. That dude shouldn't even be allowed to roll. Can his girlfriend roll her eyes? Why release a psychopathic murdering rapist who went mad just because he couldn't skate the curbs? His mental health has improved? He couldn't even transition from ramp to street skating, and y'all really suppose he'll be able to transition from prison to street living conditions? - what the fuck ever. Give Gator a tarp and point him in the direction of the dumpster behind a morgue. If he's lucky he can score.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/15 23:12:23
Despite all he had, on March 20, 1991, Gator beat 21-year-old Jessica Bergsten over the head with a steering-wheel lock called the Club and raped her for nearly three hours. Then he strangled her in a surfboard bag and buried her naked in the desert 100 miles away. - I'd like to question that guy, and if he doesnt pass with flying colors I'll stuff his ass in a bag and throw him overboard, alive and well, over the Marianas Trench to bury a lost cause at sea.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/16 04:02:21
What he did is say more than the trouble that some inspiration quotes will ever get him out of. What a fucking faggot -

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/16 04:04:58
Oh yeah, that "fate"ful day in 1991 is lamely sensationalized by the auther of the article as "fate"ful. Fucking fag

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/25 03:42:57
Whatever. Anyway, I awoke one morning to find blood on my walls a broken finger on my hand and a terrified young woman feeling alone in the front room of our flat.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/25 04:11:01
Long story short, I became very disappointed in myself at what I'd found after blacking out drunk at the bar the night before. That young lady left me later that day not to return. One beer turn into several and as I strove to drink my sorrows away the reality set in and suddenly I attempted to put myself to death - I will explain no more of the details involving the specifics. So I'm in my flat doing my best to die there and our neighbors and good friends came banging on my door. They found that I had he done the attempt to cut myself to death and hauled me to the hospital. It was but a matter of minutes that I begin to not remember anything. I slipped away into a Darkness but I was still alive, and as I came to I heard, "WE'RE LOOSING HIM" as the pulse machine Flatlined, amid making direct eye contact with the nurse standing over me as my eyes rolled into the back of my head. There is still hair that won't grow on my body where they hooked me up to an electrical system to shock me back to life. When I woke up in the Hospital my sense of everything had changed. And I later found that I could perform new tasks with things that I was never properly educated to do. I had completed minor home electrical maintenance and repairs, and then how to work on electrical systems dawned on me and I was able to immediately submit a bid to a landlord to rewire a house with a new grounded electrical system. I jumped straight into working on hot panels. I ran home runs for the laundry rooms to the panels, and was able to troubleshoot electrical problems at other jobs. I suddenly knew most of the major skills four-wheeler wiring a house and placed a bid to do a job and got it done. There's more too. Everything I worked on became a new project development. I developed innovative low voltage electrical systems custom tailored to meet specific needs. I currently have nothing to show for most of all my time. My girlfriend left with all the photos of my work that we're going to be added to my work portfolio, and she wouldn't provide those to me should I can get work in the future. The whole house rewiring job I did was not merely a wiring job. I completed numerous let's go to work throughout that residency 2 bring it back to being up to Snuff. As a jack-of-all-trades and master of one, today I can do just about anyting. Anyone else ever kill themselves and wake up with enhancements to their being? I'm curious to know. Cuz I got one other thing that I'm not going to divulge, but I am an enhanced human being. I may never tell you who I am but one day I just might end up walking up to you as a Challenger other game that myself and others we're born to beat everyone in.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/25 20:32:26
I've NEVER been more taken advantage of, disrespected, abused, and robbed than by a narcissistic okie BITCH. Our children deserve much better than what that piece of shit has set the stages of their lives for, and I'm not aiken to allowing any one more smidgeon of leeway to that fucking freak's god damned wants and or likes, and the State responsible for allowing such issues to go so far as to miss appropriately place the keep and care of our children in that woman's hands after being negligent to the matters of their calls to service and ignoring what they were told during the time of call for her wellbeing need be put in place. I'm furious to the point of never again accepting law enforcement officer's services, and I'm happy to remove anyone from office who must be denied of their critical thinking abilities because THEY AIN'T THINKING STRAIGHT. I will not surrender the use of my rights to government institutions in lieu of applying my rights, myself. Oh,... . .Boohoo, and fuck you. My wife got hit hardest to be taken down immediately because I will not allow anyone to abuse children throughout the time it takes to pull out a phone, make an emergency call for help, and wait for an officer to arrive. I will not surrender the use of my nor my children's rights to law enforcement officer's procedural like to handle our problems for us. I sjould have stopped at nothing with that fucking bitch, my wife, and the last day that she got hit, she should have been beaten to a bloody fucking pulp. I will give law enforcement officers one more chance to provide their services shall I ever have to call them for help with someone elses well being, and if they fail to respond to the nature of my call again, then its warfare. In other words, you people in places of power and authority over the people have got to PULL YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/25 20:44:42
Law enforcement officers! Have you ever seen someone get decked out so HARD that they've a bruise across both eyes from having only been struck from one side? - ive achieved doing that one time so far, and it was when my kids were placed in immediate danger. The further I go, more of your services have been and will be summed up as a threat to my childrens lives and well being, and I tell you, NOTHING you can do will be able to stop me from giving you the same bruise. I will deck you out so fucking hard that everyone around you will know at first glance that you got your ass BEAT. I,... . WILL,.. . BEAT YOUR MEAT

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/25 21:46:44
My wife, that fucking bitch, had not only been a problem toward me, but was a problem toward everyone in a neighborhood wide community. She was such a fucking retard, that everyone recognized her bullshit, and began calling her out to answer for the disturbance that she alone was responsible for, and they told her that "I'm sorry" coming from her doesn't work anymore. One night, I came to the point of feeling relief because she "actyally" had a good night hanging out with me, we talked about a lot, and were up until the early hours of the morning. At about 4 AM, she looks at me with some kind of wicked sneer, she gets up, walks all the way through to the other end of our home into our children's room where they were asleep, and she began to scream at me, at the top of her lungs, from there. Thats when I had my first response to crisis of child abuse as a parent. I cant describe it. Baby in danger, I must protect baby. My heart sank, my eyes widened, stunned in utter disbelief, jaw dropped, I got up and hurriedly got to the kids room, grabbed that fucking bitch to pull her out, and she began to make a scene of what was happening by yelling for help. All of it, absolutely all of it, fot shut down immediately. I got her to the ground in our kitchen where she began to amplify some kind of situation in what she was playing the victim, and I just let her fucking have it - she was screaming from the beginning of the ordeal and I did the only thing I could to shut it off and spare our children of anymore by decking her the fuck out as quickly as possible. When I saw that she had been subdued I left her on the floor, and when a mysterious g last cry for help began to come out of her I stepped over to her and flat slapped that vicious bitch's fucking face with my open hand because "her stopping" is the help my household needed by revoking her faggot ass bitch made bullshit "need" for "help". I've never seen anyone play the role of the abuserand immediately switch over to play the role of a victim in the moment that they are being dealt with. That woman, that fucking retarded scummy bitch, that vicious god damned reject, doesn't need help when she cries for it, she needs a fucking ass beating - that's the help that individual needs. She doeant need to be coddled as if victim, she's a social whore who resorts to these script flipping tactics to gather attention and gather everyone to carry out additional tasks full of negative energy to any of her supposed abusers. She is deliberately performing as a psychopath and then uses the sympathy that she gets from others outside of the situation to make the real victim socially known as a psychopath. She is very fucking stupid, and she's got some kind of personality disorder that is made visible mostly to anyone she is closest to. She is sick. More than once she has flipped her script on me, and I'm telling you law enforcement officers, if she doesnt stop and instead continues, she is going to end up dead. I've heard of people killing someone for way less than everything my wife has done, of which I could have already killed her at one of the numerous times she's pulled weapons on me. So, the situation has been brought down to a low roar at this point, and I'm going to kick back, relax, and monitor the care of my children from here, for the time being. I'm taking deep breaths, thinking everything through, thinking about what people really need to do with narcissists, and am once again , pulling my life back together and sorting everything out, and am looking forward to seeing my children by preparing for a life to be spent with them, because,.. .fuck that bitch. She can shelter her own dumb ass

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/25 22:09:27
I'm completing something that she should have to do, and as time passes more and more will no longer be suspended, I can reinstitute the necessary factors of living a life in your USA world, and then im gonna find a place to live that's good for my kids. Their mother is not welcome. I completely dressed our first household with furnishings, tapestries, a garden, and my wife did absolutely fuck all on top of it. That woman is single handedly the world's largest piece of shit known to me. Being disabled, I can complete tasks on my own time, and it was joked about in our neighborhood that I struggle and still get more finished than anyone else around there, and for my wife, the mother of my child, to have done the opposite of jack shit by doing everything she could to swamp our household with with unlivable conditions that she would throw on me is the lowest of low life scum things to do when the kids and I have special needs - they're kids, and I've got disability. If that woman ever goes out to repeat what she's done with me with anyone else, I wont sleep until she's completely subdued and imprisoned. She will stop at nothing to ruin someone to make herself feel better because that's the calibur of her social whore behavior. In my case, she performed her stunt on a dependent, and if she ever abuses another disabled person again and I hear of it, then shes getting punched square in the nose. If you ever wondered who abuses disabled people and children - look at my wife.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/25 22:55:37
Next time I call emergency services for support, I wont have lost my voice enough to not speak. I will speak loudly, clearly, and audibly, and if the nature of my call is ignored, I will grab your officers to drag them into the problem and make them listen because for whatever reason they havent been will no longer be focused on. There is the status quo being that "hitting someone doesn't fix anything", but the reality of my wife is that I struck her when she needed to be struck because her direction in life need be altered by force with something she'll always remember that she doesn't want to be physically hurt. She "IS" the type of person who needs something to think about before she ever carries out what she's inclined to do to achieve a "feeling" of acceptance and belonging through flipping scripts on anyone. She has created more damaging long term life effecting situations for everyone else, but herself who is the guilty culprit of gaining your sympathies and attention. She is a social whore unlike any that the world will ever come to know. She has gotten her program down to a science. What she's been doing is nothing short of being an aggravated assault, and couldn't be anything more than a complete violation of others' Constitutional Right to freedom, but is in entirety a spiritual crime of untold and unforseen consequences. She's raped our children of having EVERYTHING, and tge law enforcement officers in this state helped her take from our children what they should have by NOT listening when all they had to do is press the play button to watch and listen to what my wife had to say and do herself. She needed psychiatric help, and now I'm hoping she can remain to be the chilled out mom our kids need, BUT I DIDNT AND DONT NEED WHATS BEEN DONE WITH ME, and that's not some kind of hard headed opposition on my part, THATS THE LIGHT HEARTED DISPOSITION OF HOW I ART. I am not the villain, and if I'm ever treated and disposed like one again then I will assume complete responsibility to bring about some type of doom. I want my wife back and for our children to have their parents in their lives, and not the monster that woman has shown herself to truly be.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/25 23:38:11
I did all those curtains and tapestries on our sewing machine, I used the appropriate hardware to deck our home out, I slaved over my mobility issues to dress the exterior of our home with a professionally installed skirt of lattice, I tricked out numerous maintenance repairs, I handled all our plumbing and electrical issues, I installed a new roof top AC, I MADE THE LACK OF SPACE IN THE KIDS ROOM WORK WITH A LOFT, I recreated a pantry space when I finished sealing the rats out that destroyed our previous pantry, I installed a 300watt solar panel 12volt electrical system that was being run throughout the home as I went, I installed a car stereo system on the 12volt, and all I had to do is reach that point of which its time to button everything up and hide new wires, ABD ALL MY WIFE DID IS FUCK OUR HOUSEHOLD UP and demand that I make a "Please Do Not Disturb" sign for our front gate. I'm the only one who made sacrifices, the only one who did anything, the only one who cares about the right thing concerning NOT negotiating with terrorists and chose to stand my and the kids ground by bearing arms at the first stages of bearing arms, and that fucking bitch left the state just before authorities FINALLY watched her world renowned movie to hear about it all from her directly, and still choose to charge me with a misdemeanor when clearly, we are not talking about any "punk as bitch shit with nothing better to do" thank create problems on my part. Fuck you. I tell you this, that if that's how a Democratic state rolls then we may have problems in the future cuz I will nor be trampled by those of you who've sworn to protect the constitutional rights of others after my rights have already been violated by whoever youre allowing to play the role of a victim when thwyre the sinister villain. I will fight you - means I will come out swinging. How things look at first appearance will never be ignored by you people again. I accept no responsibility for any which way anyone brings a flight for liberation upon themselves. I know what its like to have a restriction on my right to be free from anything that discriminates any attribute of well being, and I am NOT about to allow anyone to get away with actively forcing me to live with an impeded sense of FREEDOM.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/26 00:01:12
I made and custom installed an "over the sink" dishrack for that fucking bitch, and I built her new front gates to make her feel secure, and what did she do? - SHE SPENT ALL HER TIME WORKING TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE AN ABUSIVE PIECE OF SHIT. Rule #1 is TO NOT MISTREAT ANYONE. What a piece of fucking bullshit added work she IS. Makes me want to tear the whole fucking country down. She read the headline of my facebook page in classic psychopathic form and seek to find face in that as if I were oriented about something other than the comic releif of anything so ridiculous. In all honesty, you can see all the sarcasm throughout what I stated. It's true, and I'm serious, but I'm not simply going to target anyone as deserving of such punishment that I meddle in their personality lives. My wife is a psychology, and i furthermore refuse to eat the shit that law enforcement may participate in helping her dish put to me. One of her biggest qualms that she made known to me is that I haven't served as much time in jail as she has, and she made that known to me through expressing disgust toward me for not being on an equal tier or involvement with her. Everything I've just gone through with that woman is complete and utter bullshit. If witchcraft like that doesn't have a place in your lives, then how did it ever find face in society? I'm done. Thanks for nothing ive been given and everything that never belonged to me. FUCKING LISTEN

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/26 00:22:11
That woman wants to throw a fit, create a situation for others to run to her rescue, and create a problem from what I'm doing when shes being pulled out of our kids room for doing what she's doing? No thanks. That bitch is splatter caked, and I'll have no more of her desperate plea for attention by giving her a big flat open handed slap directly to her whole face and tell her to shut the fuck up. Poor decisions with her mouth is what got her into that pickle, and I've got no problems with giving her anymore input on the topic of the matter being NOT TO FUCK WITH MY KIDS. I really do feel it necessary to go get my kids because that fucking bitch needs medical treatment, but y'all got me in a fucked up position at the moment. I havent any money for gas to take a car to begin that mission. And, this is where I'm flustered. I have no means, and y'all took my kids from me. I'm red hot livid about the entire thing.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/26 00:28:15
Because seriously, fuck the protection order. I have more than enough GOOD CAUSE to disregard such a thing.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/06/26 02:17:17
I am appalled, offended, and awe stricken that my wife would do some of the things with our kids that she did when in my company. She made every moment that she had behind closed doors with me, the experience of my life. I know that to any outside reading in on my rant could immediately disagree with any part of it, but y'all weren't there and have no way to realistically gauge how horrible my wife made everything. My problems with her weren't about the fact that she did nothing to contribute to the household, but she walked in the gate one day and began to berate me once more, and I looked at her and said, "you don't even have to do anything, and this is what you do"? All she had to do is have her home, but instead she made a mess atop of everything as if it were a dumpsite. I have mobility issues and mental disorders of my own, have to wait for anything i need finished to be completed on my own time of ableness. Some things take me way longer to do now, and she's gonna give me grief over petty shit, create problems and issues out of nothing and then fault me for anything she can? She turned out living environment from "teamwork go" into "you're at fault" for anything she was being disruptive and dysfunctional about, and apart from all of that everyone wants to suppose that I didnt handle her abuses in the right manner when by our constitutional rights I had every right to forcefully remove her from the premises, yet I have to explain myself out of domestic violence charges? I hope all of you have enjoyed my wife's bandwagon for abusing a dependant and getting away with it at all costs to our childrens emotional well being. What am I looking at here? The grounds to begin strong arming my and my children's lives out of everyone's hands? Who do I confront first, and then who must I have to bear arms against as a result of everyone's injustice presented as just? I have just cause to annihilate any obstruction keeping my children and I from moving forward, and I find the system to be out of order by having made our lives impossible by having temporarily suspended all the support we need. I am mo bidly livid, and am entirely disgusted by the inauthenticity of my wife's latest version of herself to sit around and tout all that she does about herself only to have seen her walk into our children's room and begin SCREAMING at the top of her lungs while they're asleep.

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/07/02 17:49:07
:o/ shall anyone hold up a garment to announce that it was their favorite piece of clothing when they were a little kid, and says, "it was hand stitched", but the clothing item has a tag in it, what in the world are they thinking? That its necessary to inflate the substantiality of so much as a garment at all costs to their credibility? *face palm* what kind of mental retardation is part of having absolutely no integrity? What in the hell, PEOPLE? GET REAL! THAT'S THE KIND OF PERSON YOU ASSISTED WITH WHATEVER THEY WANTED HERE, AND THEY GOT AWAY WITH MURDER! Looking around, I'm all like, "god daaaaaamn you". How'd some retard from the south gain exclusive rights above all others to come here and then Infringe upon everyone's constitutional rights with physical and TONS upon TONS and TONS of psychological and emotional abuse that's put of fucking sight?

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/07/19 16:59:48
The Father doesn't want me to be impressive

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/08/26 08:34:11
She wasn't supposed to leave the State with the kids,... . ?

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/08/26 08:34:35

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/08/26 08:35:08

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/08/26 08:35:41
Hmmm.... ASAP

moongod 'ya ya blarg..knows all sees all....HEY! You in the corner stop playing with yourself.OSC' 2024/04/25 18:28:30
Emerican wrote a book....

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