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Marillion 2011/03/25 18:27:30
yoooo hooooooo

pinkbutterfly61 2011/03/25 18:27:40

Marillion 2011/03/25 18:27:47

pinkbutterfly61 2011/03/25 18:27:56
hey baby

Marillion 2011/03/25 18:28:01

pinkbutterfly61 2011/03/25 18:28:09
i got it

pinkbutterfly61 2011/03/25 18:28:36
wgatcha doing

pinkbutterfly61 2011/03/25 18:28:49

pinkbutterfly61 2011/03/25 18:29:10
can other ppl read us

Marillion 2011/03/25 18:29:56 (Whispered to pinkbutterfly61,)

Marillion 2011/03/25 18:30:24
this sucks

Marillion 2011/03/25 18:30:39
its easier to text

Downazzchic 2011/04/05 06:17:00
no name... what the heck.... come and chat

WATERIIII 2011/04/13 08:43:56 (Whispered to Darkangelluv2118,)

Housebunny 2011/04/16 08:35:44 (Whispered to jay101226,Darkangelluv2118,Kabambam,gully,gurlpower18,melonchollie717,buttpoop,tallinup,Marillion,pinkbutterfly61,)

Housebunny 2011/04/16 08:39:03
Hey Any 1 here or watt

TheTomBoy 2011/05/28 00:07:51
I'm so bored. I actually logged into this accout

Andrea1233 2011/06/09 19:37:33

CROM 2011/09/15 01:29:46

nks 2011/10/06 14:49:16

sperm66 2011/10/10 02:28:53
Anyone no cost longboard

Saintify 2011/10/17 07:38:42
Hello every one

Saintify 2011/10/17 07:40:35
Hello any one thier

Saintify 2011/10/17 07:43:35

Saintify 2011/10/17 07:44:28
Hello every one

moongod 'ya ya blarg..knows all sees all....HEY! You in the corner stop playing with yourself.OSC' 2011/10/27 15:23:50
Wakey wakey!

niccivicioussc 2011/10/31 22:54:04
eggs and bakey

niccipnknvicious 2011/11/22 01:36:01
ohhhh brutal

theodorah 2011/11/25 07:06:15 (Whispered to Marillion,pinkbutterfly61,Downazzchic,Housebunny,TheTomBoy,Andrea1233,CROM,nks,sperm66,Saintify,moongod,niccivicioussc,niccipnknvicious,)

link fluids 'Robots Fuck' 2011/12/02 14:54:26
hi hi hi

spice2 'ya i met my husband of 13 years in here and now we are divorced YEY' 2011/12/14 01:02:23
wow wow wow dead again damn

neco 'Life would be a lot easier if I had the source code' 2012/01/01 16:59:32
So.. There I was, minding my own business when this guy starts yelling at me to stop shitting on his lawn...

eyemgod 2012/01/14 04:15:32

link gully 'rest in peace israelno1 we'll meet again 1 day' 2012/01/22 05:08:01
Nikki, remove yourself!

niccipunksc19 2012/02/27 16:53:39
What the hell did i do ash

moongod 'ya ya blarg..knows all sees all....HEY! You in the corner stop playing with yourself.OSC' 2012/03/04 03:21:51 (Whispered to theodorah,)

moongod 'ya ya blarg..knows all sees all....HEY! You in the corner stop playing with yourself.OSC' 2012/03/04 03:22:13

niccipunksc19 2012/03/26 17:22:08
<img src="/gifs/smileys/frown.gif" alt=":(">

link fluids 'Robots Fuck' 2012/05/22 13:28:07
hey peeps

moongod 'ya ya blarg..knows all sees all....HEY! You in the corner stop playing with yourself.OSC' 2012/08/14 07:39:45 (Whispered to theodorah,)

evelynelise 'If I get drunk will I pass out on the floor now, baby?' 2012/08/25 23:51:51
hey brutalsex

evelynelise 'If I get drunk will I pass out on the floor now, baby?' 2012/08/25 23:52:48

EmoSkater101 2012/09/28 12:55:18 (Whispered to evelynelise,)

Sexychick144 2012/11/26 13:00:10
Hey any sexy ppl out thr

Sexychick144 2012/11/26 13:05:04
Hey dudes talk plzz

link Sexychick144 2012/11/27 08:51:45
Hello thr

SKATE1922 2012/12/13 16:27:44
i just sprained my ankle on a double kickflip

ThatOneSkaterguy 2013/01/16 02:04:30
What's up

sexxilexxi 2013/01/27 11:50:52
anyone wanna chat??

sexxilexxi 2013/01/27 11:51:37

jcasey3232 2013/04/24 14:03:41

ALiEN12342 2013/06/22 12:16:05

JuggaloJenny 2013/06/24 16:55:07

antihero6666 'Ripped skirts and scars' 2013/07/06 01:12:44

antihero6666 'Ripped skirts and scars' 2013/07/06 01:13:18

antihero6666 'Ripped skirts and scars' 2013/07/06 01:13:25

JuggaloJenny 2013/07/19 17:35:09
I'm a 12 yr old girl so don't talk to me if you are over 18 cuz I'll get in trouble

JuggaloJenny 2013/07/20 16:41:19
omg! I did not right tht! my sister probly did tht!

niabok 'i hope u all find the cure for gonorrhea and syphilis and go to heaven' 2013/08/28 13:47:32
with a name like juggalojenny i don't think you have to worry about anyone talking to you period

moongod 'ya ya blarg..knows all sees all....HEY! You in the corner stop playing with yourself.OSC' 2013/09/09 21:09:51

fluids 'Yeah no.' 2013/11/07 12:49:59
And this one

fluids 'Yeah no.' 2013/12/19 02:17:24

moongod 'ya ya blarg..knows all sees all....HEY! You in the corner stop playing with yourself.OSC' 2013/12/22 14:09:31 (Whispered to sexxilexxi,)

moongod 'ya ya blarg..knows all sees all....HEY! You in the corner stop playing with yourself.OSC' 2013/12/22 14:09:41

fluids 'Yeah no.' 2014/01/28 15:03:38

link freakyvoiz 'Skatetalk user for......too fucking long...' 2014/02/02 13:57:46

DGKxHOODxBOII 2014/05/06 04:50:25
Royal Oak SkAtEpArK

DGKxHOODxBOII 2014/05/06 04:56:43
if u have a ps3 n wanna join B.I.G MAFIA hmu GrizzDipper2013

DGKxHOODxBOII 2014/05/06 05:04:48 (Whispered to sexxilexxi,)

DGKxHOODxBOII 2014/05/06 05:06:14 (Whispered to evelynelise,SKATE1922,ThatOneSkaterguy,jcasey3232,ALiEN12342,JuggaloJenny,antihero6666,niabok,)

cul8trdude 2014/07/29 10:11:05

antihero6666 'Ripped skirts and scars' 2014/08/05 01:50:54
No, dgk.

antihero6666 'Ripped skirts and scars' 2014/08/05 01:53:51
Brutal, you damn, dirty weird-o. I like the cut of your jib. Why aren't you Southern California? Maybe working on some Brazzers flicks (or it's dirty inbred cousin)? I think you'd go far in that industry.

emilyskates 2014/09/11 01:13:51

emilyskates 2014/09/11 01:14:01
Do people actually exist here anymore?

ryugalove16 2014/09/17 10:22:29
hey was geht ab

shreddog1972 2014/10/07 23:09:10

shreddog1972 2014/10/07 23:09:58
So weird that chats like this appear so antiquated. I was a skater back in the 80's. Damn sounds like a long time ago.

moongod 'ya ya blarg..knows all sees all....HEY! You in the corner stop playing with yourself.OSC' 2014/10/13 20:18:40
*plays guitar*

emilyskates 'whats a tagline' 2014/11/18 01:07:31
Sometimes I questions the existence of actual passion

moongod 'ya ya blarg..knows all sees all....HEY! You in the corner stop playing with yourself.OSC' 2014/12/31 00:17:41
my passion is questioning existence...

dskater97 2015/04/04 22:58:28

osotropic 2015/06/19 21:00:12
Settle down children settle down.

moongod 'ya ya blarg..knows all sees all....HEY! You in the corner stop playing with yourself.OSC' 2015/09/06 08:07:06
they left

fluids 'Yeah no.' 2015/10/30 21:30:44

NewsGuy 2016/04/08 01:03:09
Da fua

NewsGuy 2016/04/08 01:03:40
Why da fuq dis still here

NewsGuy 2016/04/08 01:04:45
Shit fuck

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS, testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2016/06/14 17:08:26
we came to wreck everything, and ruin your life. God sent us.

flash07 2016/08/03 11:06:16

oldfashionedgirl 2017/05/13 23:25:15

doctorpepper 'i could get off the lost island in 24 hours' 2017/07/08 18:54:19

fluids 'Yeah no.' 2017/11/04 23:04:13
Site is busted again... :/

link gully 'rest in peace israelno1 we'll meet again 1 day' 2018/05/17 23:58:47
One day.

TOOTHPICKHICK 2019/08/21 14:37:01

moongod 'ya ya blarg..knows all sees all....HEY! You in the corner stop playing with yourself.OSC' 2019/11/20 05:02:11
*turns on Green Day*

fluids 'Yeah no.' 2020/07/30 18:37:38

link Emerican33 '35/m AIDS - testing through others, NAH HA! (OSC)' 2022/01/02 22:53:23

link gully 'rest in peace israelno1 we'll meet again 1 day' 2024/01/03 01:37:20
Just stopping by.

moongod 'ya ya blarg..knows all sees all....HEY! You in the corner stop playing with yourself.OSC' 2024/04/25 18:27:53
Gully! How are ya?

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